Sunday was Emma's birthday party. Poor thing had to wait more than a month after her birthday to celebrate with friends due to her birthday being Easter, then trying to find a date that didn't conflict with either the actual soccer games that the Kickers host or Mother's Day etc. It was worth the wait though, the children all had fun!

Birthday Girl, Kahiwalani.

A group photo of all the kids in the Kickers circle.

The girls running on the field.

Emma's friend Dara, kicking to her dad who is standing in the goal.

Halle and Rachel kicking to Emma and Jordyn.

Halle and Emma playing goalie.

Alyssa running sideways.

Kamele kicking the ball.

Ka'iulani and Kahiwa laughing as they run.

Playing Duck, Duck, Goose...Alyssa chasing Halle.

Emma having a turn to be chased.

Emma chasing Willow. I could have posted pic after pic of this game. They each had such funny, excited faces as they chased their friends around!

The coach giving instructions for their next game, "Sharks and Minnows." Kahiwa got to be the first "Shark."

And who did she go after first? Halle, of course.

I thought their faces looked like they were having so much fun, I had to show a close up too.

Trying to tag sweetie Claire.

A and E were the last two standing in the game, here's the sister showdown. A was able to outrun E, scoring the first of her two Sharks and Minnows win of the day :)

Their coach giving instructions.

Instructing the other team.

Kicking the ball.

Time to eat! Here's Dara and Lauryn. The Kickers brought us out 5 pizzas ~ way more than a group of little girls can eat :) !

Alyssa and Georgia.

Little Duckie.

Halle, Em, Desirae.

Claire looking so excited to give her gift to Emma.


Emma and Rachel. Rachel is one of the most enthusiastic kids, her face says it all in this pic, always happy!

In place of a cake, Kahiwa chose to have a Sundae Bar. Everyone got a little dish a vanilla ice cream, and then the fun began...the kiddies were putting on so many candy toppings and rivers of chocolate sauce, I can't believe there were no upset tummies.

Eating her ice cream sundae with Catherine.

Happy 6th Birthday!
Wow, that looks like such a FUN party! Cristian would have LOVED it.
Ava got that same barbie pool play set, swim suit barbie, and pink barbie jeep for her birthday =)
I just now realized I hadn't responded here yet. Emma would have loved to have Cristian there! I have a feeling the two of them would be great friends if they had more opportunity to see each other. They'd probably give us moms a run for our money with all the energy they have!
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