Friday, February 1, 2013

Art Project ~ It Takes a Village

Rebekah's class is working on an art project to donate to the German Immersion Foundation auction coming up in April. One of the mom's in class researched and found this cool project that we all agreed was something our kids would love doing and it wouldn't be too difficult to create something auction worthy from this neat idea.

Each student in the class was able to build and decorate their own house from colored construction paper {or card stock}, trying to make everything as detailed and colorful as possible, and eventually we will collage all the buildings into our little Room 28 village. I love the idea of community the project inspires and the kids were really excited to do it!
The project started with a table full of construction paper shapes that the kids could use to build. I cut all of these out and as I worked on them I just hoped that the less than perfect lines I was cutting would only add to the child-like quality of the buildings.
Sharing oil pastels as they decorate their houses.
Rebekah showing one of the houses she made.

Photo 32 of 365, taken February 1st:
A great group of first graders, very proud of their work! I loved the project and hope that the big collage comes out as cute as the individual pieces. I will definitely post a photo of the final product {although it will probably be close to April by the time I get it all together}.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

very neat idea for an art project!