Last night was the annual Mpact girls club sleepover at church. The sleepover is always in Winter so it seems that every year we are lugging sleeping bags, pillows and a lot more stuff than anyone could possibly need in one night through the snow and into church, but it is always the funnest time for the girls!!
This was the first year in the last several that I have not stayed over at church to experience all the fun for myself. And the first time ever that Rebekah slept over somewhere without either Dave, myself or one set of our parents. Yesterday, between helping out at school and coaching gymnastics, I had been on my feet for about 9 1/2 straight hours, so by the time the sleepover rolled around I was pretty well spent for the day.
Alyssa ran off with her friends almost immediately as we arrived at church, but I managed to snap the above photo of the two younger girls before I went home to get some sleep. They were so tired the next morning when I showed up to help make breakfast for the girls. I, on the other hand, was well rested :-)

This is a collage of photos from the 2012 sleepover. When the girls are all grown up, I know they will remember these overnights, ice packs and all {see the zebra Emma photo}.
Happy Birthday to our Precious Niece, Ka'anela!! We hope you had a wonderful day! XOXO
1 comment:
What a fun annual event for the girls!!
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