Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.
~ Job 19:25

 Alyssa was looking at a children's book of prayers and wanted to draw a picture of the cross.

This Easter I am so grateful that there is no person, no situation, no sin, loss, illness or pain that is out of the reach of what happened that day on the cross. The sacrifice Christ made is more than enough for all of us and I rejoice in that truth.

Alyssa loves to sing a song called Healing is in Your Hands. I could type out lines of the lyrics here, but if you're not familiar with the song, you are much better off listening to Christy Nockels sing it!! It's a very powerful song. Click here to listen. I sometimes wonder if Alyssa understands the magnitude of the words she is singing, and the way she sings it out it sure sounds like she does, but the song is just an amazing message of God's incredible love.

 Emma's drawing of the empty tomb.
He is risen!

 Rebekah's Easter drawing :-)

A few photos from after church this morning...

I'll post more photos soon, Mom :-). Thank you for the cute dresses, everyone looked so nice!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Happy Easter to you all! Even though we have only seen each other four times in the past 10 years, I am thankful that 1) technology allows us to stay caught up, and most importantly 2)we have eternity to look forward to because of Jesus' sacrifice. One day, all these miles won't separate us :)