On Monday we enjoyed a sweet Valentines Day with a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and some cupcakes and chocolate chip cheesecake that I made while the girls were at school. And if it looks like I burned our take n' bake pizza a little ~ I did. It was a little more brown than the girls would have liked but it tasted perfect, they ate it all up.

Thursday I went on a field trip to see a First Steps performance of The Little Engine That Could with Rebekah's class. Here she is sitting on the bus with her friend Giselle, and then at the start of the show. She and all her classmates loved the cute play!
Today rolled around and school was called off. To make a long story short...over 600 teachers in our district called in sick as a protest to positions being eliminated and benefits being cut. Although I have an opinion, I prefer not to go into a drawn out explanation, so I will just leave it at our girls LOVE their school! As parents, Dave and I could not be more happy with the unique educational opportunity they have. They speak and read a language they've never learned at home because of the great teachers there. We are both active parent volunteers at the girls' school because we believe strongly in the amazing quality of the program there. We hope to be back in school very soon!

Tonight we are heading to the opening night performance of "U BUG ME!" at First Stage Children's Theater. I think it will be funny.
Oh bummer, I hope Alyssa gets a make up faschings day too! And I hope they resolve everything quickly so the girls can get back to school.
I didn't know Papa Murphy's had heart shaped pizzas, I'll have to remember that for next year :)
Another exciting week for the Sach's family! Your girls are seriously precious. Jess, one of these days you need to give me a tutorial on making those picture collages. They're super cute!
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