Visiting the Aviation Trail and reading about their struggles and failures in creating what they called their Flying Machine, was amazing. The people who lived near them and watched them in the experimental phases of their project called them crazy and even thought they had a death wish. But for the Wright brothers, they couldn't fathom the possibility that their dream to fly was impossible...and now modern air travel owes it beginnings to their discoveries. I was glad that our day in Dayton had left an impression on Alyssa! It was neat to see her excitement that she recognized the flyer and also to see her interest to learn what EAA had to say about the Wright brother's contributions to flying.

There was an entire hanger devoted to aircraft from World War II.
There are two soldiers in the back of this photo leaning over a jeep to repair it. Alyssa convinced Rebekah that these men were spies and the girls proceeded to duck down low in front of the display to hide from them, listen to their conversation (I'm sure it yielded a lot of wartime secrets) and devise a strategic plan to outsmart them. Oh, their imaginations!

The museum was also full of simulators of all kinds. Hot air balloons, gliders, F-22 fighter jets, etc. The girls loved trying them out.

Alyssa was a very intense pilot. And she was over the moon when her name showed up on the EAA Young Eagles Log Book.
After his father's death, his son Sam made the replica of his father's plane and took a trip to Brazil as a means of accomplishing the dream his father had for him. Sam Johnson and his sons flew down the Amazon River to Brazil where they were shown fields in which they could see the descendants of the livestock their father and grandfather had given so many years earlier. In the video we watched about this, he said of his trip that he had never felt so connected to his father's work and legacy than he did when he was able to visit Brazil and see the impact of what his father had done for the people there.
still loving the adventures you take your family on!!
is this the museum in oshkosh?
we should take you to the new scj building in racine where the carnuba plane is hanging ... it's beautiful! the girls would love it!
praying you're well!
Hi Tracie! Yes, this is the museum in OshKosh. It's fun :-)!
I'm sure the girls would love to see the carnuba plane...the one pictured here at EAA kept them busy for a long time. They loved that they could run in and out, pretend to pilot it themselves and load and unload passengers, it was very fun.
You guys are always up to something fun!!! This looks like it was a blast.
p.s. Your girls ARE silly. I love them!
If you guys ever come to visit the Seattle area, we'll have to take the girls to the Boeing, Museum of FLight. I bet they'd love it! Looks like a fun day!
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