Friday, December 17, 2010

Frau O'Connor's Blankets

Last Friday, Alyssa's class had the opportunity to do something really cool.
 They made over 40 blankets to donate to a NICU at a nearby hospital where their teacher's oldest daughter spent the first several weeks of her life. Every Christmas since then, Frau O'Connor has her class make blankets for the babies who are currently being cared for there.

 All the blankets came out so nice. I loved seeing the different fabrics that the kids brought in. I didn't take a photo of ours, but it was a pastel striped pattern that had shades of blue and pink along with greens, yellows, and oranges. We figured that way it would work equally well for a baby girl or boy.

 Although the kids did a fantastic job, the moms who came in to help stayed really busy too ~ there was a lot of serious chit chat going on, especially among the girls. The establishment of sewing and knitting clubs in the past when kids weren't so bombarded by technology suddenly made perfect sense to me.

 The class holding up some of the finished products. The blankets were the fleece kind that have lots of knots tied at the ends. By the time I left I felt like I was developing carpal tunnel from all the repetitive knot tying, but it was a great afternoon in her class! They are a wild bunch.


heather said...

Love this idea! What an awesome tradition!

jessica said...

Isn't it nice? I love how she includes her students in making and giving the gifts, and the kids were super proud of the blankets :-)

Michelle said...

That really is a great idea! I love reading other peoples' blogs to get ideas just like this one. It would a fun project for Ava and I to take on at some point and then donate them to a hospital or some other organization. Thanks for sharing.

And, yes, Jess, you should google squinkies... they'd make great stocking stuffer gifts :) Not sure if Alyssa would be into them, or not... maybe she would. But for sure Emma and Rebekah!