I had to move our glass nativity scene up higher because she kept rearranging it. Somehow, the less breakable Veggie Tales one isn't as interesting. She keeps carrying gift bags around the house trying to wrap up treasures she finds as Christmas gifts for everyone.
By December 15th she had polished off all the chocolates in her advent calendar {she's a Christmas enthusiast and a chocolate enthusiast!}

Her excitement over every tiny thing is sweet and funny. I love it and it keeps Christmas at the forefront of all our thoughts with her bringing it up about twice every minute. It's no surprise though, that we are having a record breaking year for broken ornaments. Rebekah was standing on a wooden stool trying to hang a snow confetti filled glass globe ornament when the branch she chose to hang it on proved to be too flimsy. The ornament slipped right off, bouncing on the stool she was standing on and it shattered. Her feet were surrounded by shards of glass and the soft fake snow. Her little chocolate chip eyes were as big as saucers and I had to yell at her not to move because I didn't want her to step in any of the glass that had miraculously missed her feet. She was fine, the ornament, not so much.
One broken ornament that Rebekah had no hand in breaking, is this poor guy who has been through a lot:
Fast forward to November 28, 2010 when he was the most seriously injured victim of the very unexpected tree tipping over in the living room, only one short hour after we finished hanging all the ornaments. Poor nutrcacker character has no legs from the knee down now either. I haven't tried yet, but I do think with the right kind of glue, his legs can be repaired, and those boots are too snazzy to not give it a try.
aww... poor nutcracker. I bet a little super glue will fix him right now! It is fun to watch just how excited kids get about this very Magical time of year!
*I meant fix him right up :)
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