The first was The Franklin Institute, we went here after dropping Dave's parents off at the airport the day they had to go home :-( . On a happier note, it was also the day Emma figured out she could walk on her cast without any help, so she thought she better get back to her rock climbing and surfing that you can see her doing in the slide show.

The Franklin Institute was a really cool museum highlighting Benjamin Franklin's inventions and areas of study. We were able to explore his work in the medical field, electricity, air travel, and simple machines, and see how his work influenced future discoveries. The girls also made homemade paper which they thought was really cool.

We loved the museum and the unique exhibits. With Dave's help the girls were able to build a structure that they later tested the strength of with a simulated earthquake. There was a booth for the girls to do mock weather reports {these turned out to be so funny, if I can ever dig out the video of them, I will post}, there were "lava tubes" to crawl through and explore the impact volcanoes have on the surrounding terrain, and they had this cool scale that instead of telling you your weight, it told how many cups of blood your body was holding. So Cool!
COSI, in Columbus Ohio was also a super cool science center. I believe it was Parents Magazine that rated them the best science discovery center in the country. They had the best water play area, it looked like a mermaid's grotto. We probably could have played just in that section for a good part of the day. The outdoor play yard was great too. They have a giant lever where using your body weight, you try to lift a car into the air. There was also a neat audio visual section that used lots of green screen technology to do cool stuff, and our girls have been talking about green screen ever since our visit. They will see an advertisement, or something on tv and they will all have to make a guess as to whether it was "green screened" or not.
Alyssa was able to participate in a study that the researchers at the museum were conducting to see if games such as Wii actually encourage children to be more active in their play. I have never checked on the end results of the study, but she ran almost 2 miles in 10 minutes as part of the exercise for their research.
And because the girls have decided where they don't want to go to school:

How long were you guys gone on your vacation?? You did so many fun things!!
And where is it they DO want to go to school one day??
Ha ha, with all these posts about our trip it's starting to feel like the "never ending vacation." :-) But actually we were gone 2 weeks. I think I'm down to one last post, then I'll be done. I surely never anticipated it would take me until September to get it done. We did have the awesome opportunity to do so many fun things, I didn't want to leave anything out!
I can't wait to see your Maui pictures, that must have been such a great vacation. Wish we were there!
About school for the girls...I'm pretty sure they have not given it a whole lot of thought yet. We all just know that Ohio State is completely off-limits! :-)
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