We celebrated Rebekah's birthday at Holiday World, in Santa Claus, Indiana. One of the cutest theme parks ever! Get ready for enough pictures to feel like you've been there yourself :-)

If her smile on the first ride of the morning was any indication of how the day was going to go, we were in store for a beautiful birthday. Holiday World is such a great park for young families. Not only is their a great mix of rides at different thrill levels, but also free sunscreen and free pepsi products all day long. Just can't beat a deal like free!

The cutest nursery rhyme train ride.

I love wooden roller coasters! Something about the rattling noise and the shaking of the tracks as you fly over them wondering if it might crumble underneath the weight of the cars, it's exhilarating. The girls couldn't decide which of the three big wooden coasters they liked the best. Bert the Conquerer rode The Voyage, and it was pretty scary and FAST...my earrings felt like they were going to rip right out of my ears. The other wooden coasters here are The Raven and The Legend ~ all were pretty cool, way beyond what these pictures can show on their own! Click the collage to see the individaul pics better.

We tried to get Rebekah to go on the coasters that she was tall enough for. She wasn't loving it, poor thing. I've kept hoping that if she'll just get on the more thrilling rides, (and really, the front car of this one was a puppy dog face, how bad could it be, right?) she'll finally find one that she likes ~ but I'm starting to think she's not much of roller coaster {or anything fast or spinny} kind of girl.

Too bad her big sisters didn't like it much either.

Don't worry about her too much, this was like a minute and a half after the puppy dog experience.

She also could have done without this log ride, but they are way too fun to not even give it a try.
Some of her most favorite rides:

Not this one though, it was definitely more of a big sisters only ride:

A couple of the older girls' favorite rides with Dad.

Not pictured here beyond this photo is almost half of the park, Splashin' Safari the waterpark. Like the roller coaster collage above, this photo also does not do justice to the cool waterpark nestled in all those trees back there. There was just no way for me to safely bring the camera in there, and still be able to play with the kids. Now that we are home, I am disappointed that I don't have any photos, but the afternoon spent completely focussed on playing with the girls in the wave pool, going on all the slides, lounging in the lazy river and riding the Wildebeast {the best water coaster, ever!} was more than worth it!!

Holiday World has such a friendly feeling to it. We loved it. It was such a nice day, and the sweetest birthday for Rebekah. We had a little cake in the hotel after a long day in the park, the perfect ending to a much anticipated birthday. Rebekah will tell you it was the best day of the whole vacation, and I'm sure that has everything to do with the fact that it was her birthday, but it sure was special!

How different things were six years ago. There are times when I have a hard time believing that Rebekah, our baby, could possibly be six. Then there are other times, like when I look back at photos like these that it is almost hard to remember what our family was like before she was born :-)
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