A quick run down of the last couple of weeks:

Alyssa has an ensemble role in The Milwaukee Repertory Theater's A Christmas Carol, and she just had her first costume fitting last week.

In it's 37th season, this is the second longest running A Christmas Carol in the country. Alyssa is excited to be a part of it!

I couldn't believe we hadn't been inside The Pabst before her audition process earlier this summer, it's a really neat old place. These chandeliers line the window/wall area where Emma and Rebekah sat to do homework while we waited for Alyssa to come out of her fitting.

This is the first year that Rebekah has real homework, other than nightly reading. She loves having work just like the big girls. I'll be curious to compare these assignments to other work that she will be doing in just a few weeks, and then again to the assignments later in the year. 1st grade is a pretty big jump, lots of new learning each week!!

A few of the cute folders that the girls decorated with stickers we got on vacation and the Bible Quiz questions that have been keeping Rebekah very busy.

Coming out of her first singing lesson of the school year, so excited to show her teacher her Jamie Grace t-shirt from the concert G&G took her to this summer. Alyssa and her teacher, Ms. Alissa worked very hard on Jamie's song, Hold Me, and it's now one of Alyssa's favorites!

How Rebekah keeps busy during singing ~ being a monkey and dancing in the hallway as Alyssa sings. The day I picked her up from school in the monkey bar pic, she had this skirt on inside out. It's what our girls call a tutu skirt, with one fluffy mesh layer and a more solid pink silky layer for coverage. She came walking out of the pick up line with the pink part on the outside and the puffy tutu part completely covered up. She looked like a silly weeble wobble. Taking care of clothing adjustments independently, just another back-to-school change she is getting used to.

Another thing we are trying to get used to again ~ sometimes eating dinner on the run. You won't catch the girls' complaining, they love pizza :-)

Emma had her first {and only} meet of the fall on Sunday. She was so happy that her friend Halle could come see her compete. Everytime I watch them together I wish we could do it more often! Then, when my parents arrived at the meet and Chloe was with them, Emma just lit up. Chloe's parents and my parents are good friends and Emma just loves Chloe. There was likely many other things Chloe could have chosen to do on a Sunday afternoon other than drive the over four hours round trip to see Emma's meet, and Emma was beyond excited she was there!! All little girls should be as blessed as Emma to have a sweet teenager to look up to and one who takes an interest in them and is as amazing to them as Chloe is with all our girls.
The meet itself was good, I thought all of Emma's routines were nice, she did however, score a little lower than what is usual for her. One of my occassional frustrations with the sport {and something I need to develop a thicker skin about and just get over} is that certain teams seem to do more favorably in some competitions and with the great subjectivity of the scoring process it doesn't always feel like everyone is on a level playing field. The meet did serve it's purpose though, Emma got her "move up" score and can now celebrate that compulsory gymnastics routines are in her rear view mirror. Hooray for Optionals, which is a different level of competition where the gymnasts get to work and perform more to their specific strengths rather than perform the same exact routine as everyone else.
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