While Dave's parents were visiting, we spent a beautiful day in Chicago. The weather was absotlutely perfect, sunny and warm, with a refreashing windy breeze.

We visited The Shedd Aquarium. I'm not sure if our girls are the only children with the strange affinity for these sugar sticks...but they honestly have some sort of magnetic attraction to them. We cannot hardly cross the threshold of a store that sells these and the begging begins. Especially now that they seem to specialize in sour flavors. I would love to ask the manufacturers of such treats to please start selling them in more appropriate locations. Places where sticky hands might be problematic and where I am going to have to carry the sticky sugar sticks around with me all day should be out immediately!!

Fun playing penguins.

Visiting the homeland of Great Grandmommy's family ~ The Philippines.

And we ate dinner in Chinatown...YUM!!
fun day with Dave's family! My kids have never had those sugar sticks. Not sure I even know what they are? Do they look like little sugar cube crystals?
They are clear tubes that come in various sizes and there are usually about 20-30 different types of flavored sugar the kids can fill them with. Kind of like a huge re-fillable pixie sticks. They sell them everywhere here from museums to waterparks, (I think maybe I've seen them at Disney too?) Emma and Rebekah always seem to have sugar coated fingers as they eat them...
They are yummy and fun though :-)
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