Dave's parents were visiting and it was great to spend time with them and have them here at our home {PS...thank you so much for everything, we were so excited you could visit, that we could get a little vacation in, and have both sets of grandparents here for Emma's national meet! It was wonderful!!} I will share more about all those adventures later, but first in honor of our special guests from Hawaii that we had to say good-bye to last Thursday, here is a little song Kamele ran around the house singing in early June and below it a recap of our last few days. The song had a few more verses before she started feeling the pressure of the camera being on her. I love that Ka'iulani is doing a little hula in the background!

This little one loves her ukulele! She often carries it around the house singing a chirpy little song, sometimes something we recognize, most of the time just something she's making up as she goes.

The day Dave's parents left to go back home, I took the girls to the library to pick out their free book for the month of June. We love the summer reading program!
Later that evening, this is what gymnastics practice turned into:

It was about 100 degrees, possibly even hotter than that in the sweaty gym, so we called it quits about an hour early and all the girls played on the slip and slide. Alyssa and Rebekah had their fair share of leo clad tummy slides too :-)! After a sad morning of saying good-bye to Grandmommy and Granddaddy the girls needed a fun night of being goofy.

The next day I took the girls to the lakeshore where they played and relaxed...

Perfected their sand castle building skills and...

Emma worked some handstands on her paralettes.
While mini-vacationing in the Dells, we added a new pet to our family. A hermit crab the girls called "Super Crab" because of the super cool Super Man "S" painted on his shell. Rebekah insisted upon the addition of Cotton Candy to his name, so we are proud to introduce the newest member of our family: "Super Cotton Candy Crab."

We love him already, even though he is not too social, and in his rare moments of crabby friendlyness, he has scared Emma with his "creepy" eyes. Yesterday, while I was busy in the kitchen, I half heard Rebekah asking if she could add seashells to his habitat. I told her okay, not knowing what she was talking about...well, as of this morning he has abandoned his superman shell for a much more narrow shell that I am worried about his ability to crawl out of {I did not even know we had such a shell anywhere in our home, just to show how on top of the adding shells to his habitat conversation I was}. He is fine for now, but if anyone has an idea of how I could get him to go back into his regular home that would be very helpful!

This past weekend we had a Celebrate Freedom 4th of July musical at our church that Alyssa and Emma performed with the children's choir in. It was followed by an all church picninc with lots of great food.

Our patriotic princesses. Thank you so much Grandmommy and Granddaddy for the pretty dresses, the girls looked so sweet!

One of the very few photos I took during the picnic after service: Alyssa playing joust with one of her MPact teachers, Miss Rebecca. It was an intense match up, but they looked like they were having so much fun! Looking forward to the 4th of July and hopefully catching up with sharing more of our recent adventures really soon...
Looks like you guys have been having so much fun!! I know they do gymnastics, but I cannot believe how strong your little girls arms are! WOW on the handstand! Love the song too!!
And really love your "bring it" bag! Too cute!
Happy 4th!
what a fun way to end a gymnastics practice!! And I must say, I love Emma's swim suit. Those colors look great on her :) And Rebekah and her Ukelele... too sweet for words! She just looks like a little Hawaiian baby!
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