We welcomed the start of Spring Break on Good Friday and after service we asked the girls' friend, Halle to come over and dye Easter eggs with us. The girls made a beautiful rainbow of eggs. I love them all!

I get strangely sentimental about cracking colored Easter eggs to make egg salad. I had a hard time deciding which eggs to use first.

Saturday morning we went to a pancake breakfast and egg hunt at our local Pick N Save store.

Rebekah raked in the prizes during the egg hunt.

I think she may have had a little extra help from this teenage carrot who thought Rebekah was a cutie. There were three teen helpers at the store dressed as carrots, and Emma was very concerned about their outfits. They posed for photos with the Easter Bunny {who she hardly took any notice of the freakishly huge rabbit at all} but apparently dressing as a human size carrot was crossing the line of acceptable Easter attire for Emma.

The older girls scouring the isle for eggs.
After breakfast, we met my parents at the Field Museum (The girls had marked this day on the calendar weeks earlier, they were so excited!):

The girls tried to line their faces up with the models inside the window to see what they would have looked like as an Ancient Egyptian.

Alyssa's hat was a little in the way, but she was the only one tall enough to line it up correctly.

More designer eggs back at G & G's.

And we got an early jump start celebrating Emma's birthday.

The girls on Easter morning before church.

And after church, three totally different children...the literal and figurative gloves were off as they raced for eggs in G & G's yard.

The triumphant finder of the last egg.

The girls took turns sledding in the basement. This was almost the most adventuresome sledding they got to do this year.

This picture exemplifies Emma's laid back nature...Rebekah is taking a nose dive off the saucer and Emma is reclined on the sofa in the background, relaxing and smiling. If this was occurring the other way around and Emma was pulling the sled while Alyssa was within view of her baby sister about to fall there would be a wild, state of alarm, cartoonish image of Alyssa suspended in mid air as she pounced to make the rescue. Rebekah was fine, she caught herself.

This sweet lamb cake was possibly evidence of poor planning on our part. When Culver's was closed after church on Easter Sunday {who knew, right!?} we were unable to get Emma the ice cream cake we had planned for singing her birthday song. So this poor little lamb cake that my mom had previously gotten for dessert had to stand in as a double.

I have to admit that lighting candles on the symbolic Easter lamb cake didn't seem like the best way to end the Easter weekend. Although I'm not sure that eating it and possibly having arguments about who got to eat the head, and who got the whip cream bottom is any better, so of course, none of those things happened :-)
1 comment:
Happy belated Easter, and Happy belated Birthday to Emma! I've been very behind on not only my blog, buy my friends' blogs as well. Can't believe she's 9.
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