I took this photo feeling surprised that well before Easter it was clear that the daffodils were ready to bloom anytime. Less than 24 hours later they did, and now the side yard is a sea of yellow.

With the weather getting warm again it was time for our annual lining up of the neighborhood children for height assessment. Just kidding, we don't measure the kids. I'm not sure what they are doing, but lined up like this they looked like those Russian nesting dolls, or one of those weeble wobble toys where the biggest one opens up and all the smaller pieces hop out in size order.

It was all fun and games until the littlest one ran away...

...and then the chase was on!

It was wonderful to have my mom visit for the weekend.

Who would have guessed that St. Patrick's Day would be the perfect day for getting the bikes out of the garage {giving this little one the chance to get confident on hers after a long winter break}...


And eating ice cream outside?? The month of March doesn't get much better than this. Happy Spring!!
I know I've said this before (but only because it's SO TRUE) ... but I really wish we were neighbors Jess. Our girls would have so much fun together ... and I have ALWAYS adored you! You are SUCH a wonderful mom!
Oh man, we are LONGING for some spring weather here... I haven't gotten to my "march weather" post yet, but plan to soon... then you'll see what I mean :) Glad you're enjoying a sunny spring! Cute pictures.
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