Friday, May 13, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers

...Or maybe more May showers?

We've had a few really warm and sunny days in a row here, which have been nice after a unusually cold and very rainy start to Spring. The weather can't decide what it wants to do, and it sounds like we are in for a chilly and rainy weekend, so I was soaking up all the beautiful peeks at the pretty flowers that have just recently bloomed in the yard. The tulips are my favorite.




 Rebekah loves the flowers too, and initially she was going around picking every flower just as they were blooming. She couldn't imagine why we would want to leave something so pretty outside of the house. We finally got her to ask before picking anything and have since let her help cut only the ones that are "ready." Then, ever since the day during teacher appreciation week where all the children brought in a flower to be assembled into a bouquet for their teachers, she has wanted to bring a fresh cut flower to her Frau every morning. She inspects the flowerbeds each morning, looking for the special one she wants to give, and she sometimes gets on the bus crying over having to leave the flowers in the yard. It makes me so sad to see the bus drive away with her upset in the window! Yesterday was a happy morning when I let her cut a couple and bring them in to her teacher.

Unrelated to the flowers...

A few things I'll need to post pictures of later: Emma was excited to have her first piano recital this week! Rebekah got the cutest little German dress called a dirndl for her German Dance performances. It is the sweetest thing I have ever seen and she is so proud of it! Also, while cleaning up the classroom I teach in at church I found 3 old posters from when Alyssa and her classmates were Kindergarten Daisies. The posters were collages of old photos that their teacher had put together and it brought back such great memories when I pulled them out from being tucked in the back of the cabinet. I promise some pics of all of these later :-)

Have a nice weekend...

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