Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tea Party Sweeties

Last weekend Alyssa went to a sleepover at church. The theme was Time for Tea, and the timing could not have been any more perfect. With everyone feeling under the weather, she had been such a sweet sister and a good helper all week. She needed a fun night with her friends!
 They decorated so cutely for the tea party theme, and as you'll see below, Alyssa came home with some of the decorations.


I could tell Rebekah was feeling so much better yesterday when she wanted to set up a tea party and have her Barbies join us. It was so nice to see her playing again, and since Emma has been back in school all week and I'm pretty sure Rebekah will be joining her tomorrow, I'll be missing my girls. They are such good company, even when they are sick.

 We just returned home from having her stitches taken out, but this photo was taken yesterday when they were still in. You can kind of see them in the top left corner of her mouth. It has healed nicely and looks really good.

Rebekah said something funny to me the other day. I had been holding her on the couch, hoping she would rest a little, but she said she was hungry so I made some soup. As we sat down to eat, she sleepily told me, "I can't wait until I'm a grown up and I can stay home." I was pretty sure I knew where she was going with her comment, but I asked her what she meant anyway. She told me, "You know, when I'm big like you, I can stay home from school. I will relax and eat soup all the time." A sweet perspective of what I do all day :-)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Glad everyone is feeling better! what a fun night for Alyssa!! and very sweet comment from Rebekah! Ava has said something similar before :)