Sunday, January 9, 2011

Absolutely Normal Chaos

Ka'iulani has been working on a book project for school. She made a powerpoint presentation running down all the main facts of the book she read, Absolutely Normal Chaos. She was interested in the story, but at the end of each chapter she kept rolling her eyes saying, "this is completely not normal!" After reading brief sections of the book, I'm glad she had that opinion of it.

From very early on in the project, she had the idea that she really wanted to create a puppet show for part of her visual aid, so in addition to the powerpoint that she finished earlier in the week, we spent this afternoon putting together the best talk show/puppet show she could write a script for:

Although I'm not sure how much heavy content their little show has, it was a lot of fun to watch Alyssa create her own talk show. And her made up hostess, Ruth San-Francisco made me laugh!!

Whether it was forgotten lines or "over-acting" there were a few clips that didn't quite make the cut. Here are the outtakes:

I wish I could bottle up that laughter and keep it forever!


Anonymous said...

that is the bestest ever!!! LOVE that she put that whole project together and i adore the outtakes!!!

Lori said...

She is sooooo adorable (and talented!) ... this was awesome!

Michelle said...

the out takes were great! she's very creative, I loved her project!