Sunday, March 14, 2010

are we time traveling?

We were talking about "springing ahead" and the time change as we left church this morning. In trying to explain how we "lost an hour" I found myself giving a much more elaborate answer than the girls' questions warranted.

Quiet, bewildered faces looked up at me and Emma asked, "Are we time traveling?" She thought about it more, and pretty much convinced herself that we are now lost in the time-space continuum. Her confusion was probably added to by Dave trying to describe his certainty that after growing up in Hawaii (where daylight savings time is not observed) and then his frequent trips to and from during Christmas and Summer vacations he has officially "lost time."

Being over tired {after being short an hour of sleep :-) } she wouldn't relent, and even after discussing it all the way out to the car and back home, confusion remains.

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