We had a fun day of shopping in Costa Mesa. Here the girls are pretending to be models in the storefront window at Justice Girls. Ka'iulani's favorite store!!

Relaxing in a comfy chair at Justice.

Cute little shopper Kamele. She could not have been more pleased with this Mickey Mouse Clubhouse bag that Grandmommy got her at the Disney Store. She insisted on carrying it around herself, even though it was about as big as she is, and she would stop every few feet to check the contents of her bag. She had picked out a bunch of Sleeping Beauty stuff in the Disney Store and she was very protective of her new prized possessions.

Alyssa was very pleased with her purchase of a Hannah Montana shrug sweater from the Disney Store, and she even bought it with her own money!

Kamele spending time with "Great Mommy." She calls Dave's grandparents Great Daddy and Great Mommy instead of Great Grand...She has enjoyed looking at all the pictures while I decided which ones to post, and it's been fun to listen to her tell me who is in each photo.

The girls hardly even notice the Rainforest Cafe that is in our mall, but they wanted their pictures taken by this one.

Something about this giraffe made Kamele think she needed to bow. She kept saying: "Take a bow, take a bow!" Here she is in the middle of a big bow.

I think Aunty Kui and Kamele are both looking at Kui's camera in this picture, so her picture is probably much better than mine, but I still thought this was a cute pic of them together.

The girls and Daddy relaxing in the massage chair at the Brookstone. Kamele is using the chair's remote as a phone.

The 3 girls with Great Daddy.

The girls with Great Grandmommy and Great Granddaddy.

Happy Shopper.

Checking on her Sleeping Beauty Toy. She kept emptying out her bag, taking inventory, then loading it back up again.

Em with her newest webkinz that she named "Kissie Love."

Ka'iulani and Kaliko on the mechanical bulls in the Brookstone.

The girls with Granddaddy.

The girls with Grandmommy after a successful shopping trip. I think Ka'iulani would love to shop with Grandmommy more often, she still talks about how much fun she had, and the black hat she is wearing has become a staple item in her wardrobe. Thank you for everything!
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