Rebekah and her favorite Sleeping Beauty Doll.

Dancing to the music of her Sleeping Beauty music box. She danced all over the living room carrying the jewelry box around proudly. You can see the box a little in her top hand, there's a better photo below.

Emma loving the lollipop that Aunty Lisa gave her!

Admiring the pretty Princess Aurora.

Modeling her new pjs from Great Mommy and Great Daddy.

On the airplane ride home, Kamele slept while Kahiwa concentrated on her travel journal pictures.

Still working hard to draw pretty pictures. Emma had her "tag" on the Thursday after we got home. Their Tag is a day reserved for each child to have a turn once a month to bring in a snack to share and show and tell. She brought in her journal to show to all her friends and she looked like a miniature tourist all decked out in Disney EVERYTHING when I dropped her at school that morning. It was a lot of fun for her to have so many special things to share with her class, she was very proud, and her teacher even emailed me to tell me how cute she was.

Alyssa peeking from the row in front of me. Alyssa is missing from the above pics probably because she was busy doing homework for a few afternoons right when we returned home. Even though she brought some work with her, she had other things to catch up on, and I was trying to photograph the girls with some of their "goodies" that we brought home from the vacation. I must have missed her while she was busy. The girls have so many wonderful souvenirs from the trip, from Disney PJs and Mickey Mouse Earrings, to clothes and candies, they had so many things they were excited to wear to school and bring in for "show and tell." Thank you to everyone so much for everything!!
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