After about two weeks of apprehensive wiggling and going through a phase where the tooth was so loose she practically spit it out each time she spoke...On November 20th, the tooth came out and...she didn't even know it fell out when it happened. Rebekah was eating a snack as we were driving in the car after school when she called out to me from the back, "Mom, there's something in this puffed rice that is not puffed rice." It didn't immediately occur to me what she was talking about, so I didn't say much. About a minute or so later, I realized what happened and we had to fish through her snack filled cup holder in the car to find where she spit it out. She ran around cheering for about five straight minutes afterwards repeating over and over again, "It came out. My tooth came out. And it did not even hurt me at all. My tooth is really not there anymore. It came out..."

I love little window smiles!
I used a fancy, swirly font to write a letter to Rebekah from the tooth fairy, in part because Emma lost two teeth during this same week and completely lost {as in the tooth never made it from school to home after falling out of her mouth} one of them and I thought it would be fun for the tooth fairy to give her a hard time about the really lost tooth. So anyway, my computer printed letters seemed to go by rather unnoticed by both of the girls and the bottom sentence of her schoolwork here tells exactly what Rebekah thought of it:

"The Letter the Tooth Fairy gave me last week came from the computer."
So while she was thrilled to loose her first tooth, I guess as far as the tooth fairy goes, she is not easily impressed.
they always look a bit older once they loose their first tooth! Funny about the letter… haha.
EJ lost her first tooth this fall too (second the next day). She was so excited as she was sure she was the last person in 1st grade to still have all her baby teeth!
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