The guide gave the kids a short introduction to some of the things we were going to see, then sent them outside for a little playtime.

It was fun to see the imaginative play that went on when the kids were dropped into the forest with just a few basic toys and told to "go play."
Then it was time to see all the animal habitats at the sanctuary.

This baby deer was the most precious thing! It could not have been more than a couple days old, it's legs were all wobbly as it walked around.

Beautiful horses.

This poor guy was rescued by the sanctuary. He was found by some people when he was just a kitten and they decided to make him a pet. They de-clawed him which essentially assured his inability to survive out in his natural habitat. As he got bigger the people realized that he could not be easily domesticated despite their efforts, and they turned him loose. Fortunately he was found and brought to Shalom before any harm could come to him, he will however, never live outside the sanctuary.

Buffalo in their pasture.

This is their oldest and the leader of the buffalo herd. I think our guide called him Bob. Each of the animals had a very large enclosure for their habitat. It is very much like being in the wilderness there, as close to their natural home as possible. You'll notice in many of the photos the animals are approaching the fence and this is because they know when they hear the tour wagon coming through that they are going to be fed.

What does the baby fox say? I learned on this field trip that foxes are known for their loyalty.

Yep, that's Rebekah willingly holding a skunk tail to the back of her head.

At the end of the day, our guide passed around a basket, explaining that each of the kids was going to be given an Indian name at the conclusion of their adventure at Shalom. He asked the kids to feel around in the basket where they would find bags of rocks that each had a name and meaning included within. He said one of the rocks would feel right in their hand and that is the one the kids should take as their new name.
Rebekah chose the name "Home Sky Feather" which is a pigeon. Now I have to admit, I have never thought of birds in a very affectionate way, and my initial response was along the lines of, Pigeon? That's kinda yucky. But then I read the meaning of the name and I warmed up to it...and right away I thought of my mother in law, knowing she would love the meaning behind the name. The meaning on the card said: Pigeon- It knows how to find it's way back home, no matter how far it has gone. They help us to remember and find the love of home that we have moved away from or lost. They are the only bird that can drink by sucking water up into their beaks. This indicates their ability to draw on the love of home no matter how distant. - "Home Sky Feather"
1 comment:
That's a neat name meaning! I bet your in laws will really appreciate that.
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