One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to the Creation Museum . It's such a cool place! The museum was born from a ministry called Answers in Genesis, whose goal it is to proclaim the absolute truth of the Bible and demonstrate the relevance of a literal Genesis with creativity to a world and culture that will often approach Biblical explanations with skeptism and false theories of evolution.

The museum brings the pages of the Bible to life in a very fun, real and colorful way! The girls loved it. We were just barely able to finish going through the museum after being there from open to close, and our tickets would have been good for two consecutive days, had we planned for that in our scheduling.
This next little section I am taking right out of the visitor guide book to the museum because I really liked their description of the museum's intent: "The Creation Museum places Biblical History within the context of the greater issue: why should we trust the Bible?

Our conclusions about the world are affected by the decision to trust either the words of the eternal, perfect God or the words of temporal, falliable men. There is an element of faith at work in every interpretation of scientific evidence.

Rocks and fossils don't come with tags on them, telling us how old they are. Scientists reach different views about the past, not because of what they see, but because of their different starting points: Autonomous Human Reasoning or God's Word."
In short, much of our worldview is shaped by whether or not we have faith in an all powerful, omnicient and loving Creator.

By Noah's Ark and then below in the Voyage Room. Quick Bible Quiz question pertaining to the picture in the top, right corner: Who lived longer than any other person and how long did he live? Answer ~ Methuselah, 969 years. (Genesis 5:27) Methuselah could talk and tell stories, and Noah who Emma is standing in front of could answer questions as they were selected from the screen in front of the exhibit. The entire museum was really neat and interactive.

The petting zoo was amazing! So many unique species like a zonkey and an albino peacock.
The outdoor gardens were beautiful too:

These tiny flowers were perfection. God loves detail and variety!!

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
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