This little one has been waiting to turn 6 since about the day after she turned 5. Earlier in the Spring, when her birthday was still about 94 days away, she started the unofficial countdown to tomorrow ~ the BIG DAY! She would sometimes even ask me more than once in a day how long until her birthday and when I responded with the same number she had gotten earlier that day she would tell me, "Aaawwww, that's what you told me yesterday!?" No, baby, that's what I told you two hours ago...

She had a tiny, early celebration last week with her friends at church, and then again a day later cupcakes were shared with our friends and neighbors at G & G's house.

So, no official 6th birthday yet, but still two small parties ~ she is the baby and knows how to work a birthday to her advantage :-)

We can't wait to celebrate her actual birthday, and after all the time she has spent anticipating it, we hope to make it super special!
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart Kamele!!
We love you more than you could imagine!!
I'm sure her birthday was every bit as magical as she'd be dreaming it would be :) Happy birthday Rebekah! Can't wait to see more pictures of your celebration!
she'd **been dreaming
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