This was her third time auditioning, and each time she was called back for the possibility of being cast in one of a few roles, but she had never gotten the part until this year. She learned SO MUCH and had such a fantastic time, there is no way I could sum up the whole experience in just a few sentences or paragraphs. She came home from each rehearsal so excited about what they practiced and performed that day and she started speaking using all these very proper and technical theater terms. Before my eyes I saw her transform from a dramatic little girl who loves and is intrigued by anything theatrical to a real theater artist herself, and it was just amazing!

Here with her whole cast, the Bell Cast. First Stage double casts each show so the kids miss a minimal amount of school, and if someone becomes ill, they have an immediate actor to fill the role. Even with the double casting, I think both casts performed the show about 30 times. It was an intense schedule, but so much fun.

Alyssa as Hook, and her fellow pirates, Popeye and Sinbad. Alyssa's role was rather small and it was a perfect way to introduce her to being a part of a production this big without overwhelming her. I remember the day she realized that people would be paying to see the play, her eyes got huge and she said , "Yikes, we better not mess this up." She usually does not have any hesitation to be on stage, but for one reason or another the fact that this would be a paying audience seemed to add some pressure. Each and every performance of the show went off without a hitch, she never had anything to worry about.

During the running of the shows, one of the things that Alyssa was insistent upon was taking us for a backstage tour as a family. It ended up being what she gave Emma and Rebekah for a Christmas present. Here, Alyssa is hugging her favorite robe that she always wore backstage while she was eating. The kids weren't allowed to eat in costume unless they wore one over their clothes.

Showing her little sisters where she hung her Hook costume in between shows. I later saw the dress part of her Hook costume on clearance in Crazy 8, but didn't buy it, and now I'm kicking myself for that. I would love to have that dress, just as a keepsake, if nothing else, and now I can't find it.

First Stage is a very family friendly and family oriented theater company. I tried to help in the lobby during as many shows as I could, and Emma was even able to volunteer with me during one of the shows. She handed out programs to the guests as they entered the theater, and she felt really cool, like she was part of the show as well, finally being involved in this place she had visited so many times as a guest to see cool plays.

Rebekah getting comfortable in the Green Room during our backstage tour.

On this night we saw the show as a family and two of Emma's friends also came with their families. The number of shows in which Alyssa had friends, family or classmates in the audience was just astounding. Many times she knew to be expecting them out there that night, and other times it was a complete surprise to see them and it was so special for her!
One of Alyssa's favorite things about the performances was the "Talk Back" sessions that directly follow each show. After the curtain call, the audience has a chance to ask the cast any questions about the show, and before the play opened Alyssa told me she was nervous to offer an answer to the questions. But in her very first show, she did, and I think in almost every show after that she answered a question. She was the Stage Manager's go-to person when no one else wanted to answer {she loves to talk and explain things, let me tell you...}

Alyssa quickly made friends with her cast-mates! Being the second oldest of the group definitely earned her the position of little cast mother. It was interesting to discover that this mothering tendency of hers does not pertain to her sisters alone. She's very watchful, careful, over protective and I hesitate to say she's a worrier {but it is quite accurate} and always kept tabs on everyone backstage and felt very responsible for monitoring all unruly behavior.

Way too much silliness and fun was had by all! One of the things we have always loved about Alyssa's First Stage experiences is how much they focus on teaching the kids life skills, through stage skills. That is in fact one of the mottos that is printed on their t-shirts. Alyssa loved and appreciated very much how each of the kids was treated just like a professional actor who was a vital part of the production. She is so excited to audition for future shows!
1 comment:
what a neat experience! I'm excited to see how she'll use this talent throughout her life :)
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