1st Day of School Smiles. They were very excited!
4th GRADER, ALYSSA!I don't have many other pictures of Alyssa from the morning that school started. As soon as we got on the playground, and she was able to find out which teacher she had, she ran over to her line to see her classmates. When I walked over to check on her she was busy talking with kids, and it's no longer really cool in the fourth grade to have your mom walking you to your classroom on the first day. So I'll have to wait until I help out in her class one day to spend more time over there. She seemed happy and comfortable right away in her new class, and her teacher is Herr Klein which is who she had been hoping for all summer long. She couldn't be happier.

When we arrived at school, we parked right next to two of Emma's friends, Claire and Lydia. It was nice to get out of the car and see familiar smiles right away. Unfortunately all 3 girls got split up into different classes this year.

Emma was so excited to have her friend, Jonathon in class with her again this year! They sat together at the same table for a good part of their Kindergarten year, and they get along very well. I think the sun was in their eyes. Rebekah's in the background with her birthday picnic basket. We were helping out at the school for a little while in the am, so we packed some snacks and toys in there to keep her busy :-)

I snuck into Emma's class for long enough to see her settle into her desk. There were no other parents in the room at the time, so while I kind of felt like hanging out for a little bit, I didn't want to linger too long. She loves her new teacher, Herr Haase (his name literally translates to Mr. Bunny in English). The girls have never had male teachers before, and this year they both do. I think it's valuable to have the chance to learn from a variety of different teachers each having their own "teaching style." From everything the girls have told me over the last few days, I think they are both going to have a great year with fun teachers.

After dropping the girls off at school, Rebekah and I had a little time to play out on the cul de sac. She rode her scooter around and had fun. It seemed so quiet in our neighborhood with all the kids in school and her being the only one out there playing. We also made the big girls each their own speical pan of brownies for a first day of school dessert. As I was taking the mix out of the cabinet, Rebekah was all eager to help and she told me, "Let's make them brownies...Brownies for happily ever after."

Emma's brownies had pieces of reese's peanut buttercups broken up in them. She liked them, and Dave said they were the best brownies we have ever made.

Kamele sampling the brownies she helped make.

Ka'iulani's brownies had chocolate chips in them, her favorite!

Emma holding her 1st Day of 1st Grade sign that we colored for her. She was excited and seems like such a big kid now. When they are still in kindergarten, it's easy to feel like they're still "babies." The jump up to first grade is big! They definately don't seem like the littlest kids in the school anymore.

Alyssa holding her 4th Grade sign. At our school the transition to 4th grade is seen as the most challenging. I was told by her teacher all last year how the expections for the kids change dramatically in the 4th grade. I know she's in for a challenge, but I also know she loves that and will do really well.
Something I should have noted before, closer to the top of the post is the coordinating outfits the girls are wearing that came from Grandmommy and Granddaddy on Kamele's birthday. I loved how the outfits were matching, but not the same. In fact I didn't even know if anyone would notice, but of course, my friend Cheryl (Claire's mom), who is a total "fashionista" and usually knows exactly which store specific pieces of clothing came from, noticed the minute the girls stepped out of the car. Coordinating the girls' clothes has become increasingly difficult (I usually don't even bother anymore) now that Ka'iulani is getting older and definately having a fashion sense all her own! But I will savor each and every time I can continue to get away with this matching business, because I know it won't last much longer!!
First thing I noticed... the coordinating outfits :) And I too know exactly where they came from (Gymboree) and I can go as far as telling you the name of the line (Beach Shack). One of my favorite lines :)
On a more serious note, haha, I'm so glad they like their teachers and have had a good first week of school! I think Carter and I may use your idea and make each of the kids a special card and treat for their first days on Tues :)
You're funny, Michelle! I'm not sure if that's really impressive or a little bit scary that you could so readily identify the clothing :-)
I hope you guys have a great weekend and the weather cooperates with all your plans!!
yeah, it's a little scary I suppose :) I'm a big gymboree fan!
I could tell that you like Gymboree. Our girls tend to get most of their clothes for bdays and other special occasions from their grandparents, great grandparents and aunties, which is wonderful. I usually find myself shopping only when there's a specific need (like they've gotten too tall for their jeans (Alyssa, often!) or they've torn through their favorite tights for the 5th time that season (Emma always plays too rough). So while I might not notice every line, I definately have looked at Ava in some pics and thought, "I bet that came from Gymboree!" :-)
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