Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'll Take It Easy On You

Over Spring Break, I had a lot of one on one time with Emma. There were limited gymnastics practices because her coaches were on a cruise and Dave, Alyssa and Rebekah were busy with nightly rehearsals for the Easter musical, so that left just the two us. She was my sweet and constant shadow for the week.

When I went for a jog, so did she...eventually leaving me in her dust.

When I needed to grocery shop, I had an extra set of hands putting sweets in the cart.

When my van got a flat tire, we fixed it together {and when I say "we fixed it" I mean that we went to Tires Plus together to pay for them to fix it}.

When I was on a seemingly endless quest to find the right shade of pink leggings for Alyssa to wear with one of her choreography costumes, she was by my side comparing magenta to cherry blossom to cotton candy.

She read to me as I did my usually solo chores around the house, and she was more than happy to help me select a birthday cake for us to have on Easter when we would celebrate both hers, and my mom's birthdays.

Not that I had forgotten, but I was reminded of what wonderful company she is! Such a hard working helper, always laughing and full of joy, driven to please.

We were at the park and when she asked if we could play tag, she caught my hesitation to agree to be chased up, down and around the playground equipment. "Don't worry," she told me, "I'll take it easy on you." She is the kind of girl I would hope to have as a best friend if I were a little kid all over again.

And yes, she almost always dresses as if she is headed to the gym. This is just part of her charm. She wondered out loud the other morning why she had to wear jeans to school again because it had been two whole days since she had clean yoga pants in her drawer, which is a really looong time to not wear yoga pants :-).

Happy Birthday to Grandma and Emma on Easter!

Happy 11th birthday, Precious Kahiwalani, 
 We love you and are so proud of you!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I like to dress that way too, Emma! Happy birthday sweet girl. You seem like a most delightful middle child, and sound exactly like the type of girl I pray my 11 year old boy will marry one day :)