The museum was running a special travelling exhibit about pirates. The girls made their hats along with treasure maps, pirate flags and other fun things.

Train Conductor, Alyssa.

Veterinarian Duckie.

Multi-sport athlete, Emma.

Panning for "gold."

Alyssa and Rebekah were fascinated with the TV News channel they had set up there, they loved doing their version of the news. I think I see some future weather girls.

When they finally turned the studio over to Emma, I was expecting her to have a turn at some news stories. Instead, they put in this crazy background slide for her. Being her usual go-with-the-flow self, Emma giggled and pretended to bathe.

The longer we stayed there, the more absurd the news coverage became. Poor Alyssa here is trying to run a legitimate newscast and Rebekah just wants to smile and wave and throw kisses to the camera.

They had a really neat outdoor play area too.

Last week, I was proofreading a paper Emma had to write telling all about herself and I loved the first paragraph. It warmed my heart:
Hi, my name is Emma Sachs. I am 10 years old. I was born April 12, 2003. I live in -----, Wisconsin. If you don’t know where that is, it is south of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I live with my mom, dad and two sisters, in a very nice and peaceful neighborhood. I also have a gecko. My life is pretty awesome.
Such a sweetie. We think she's pretty awesome too :-).
And speaking of awesome, Rebekah is having a belated birthday party here at home on Saturday. Anyone who knows my husband knows that Saturdays in fall are College Football Saturdays. ALL.Day.Long. In planning for this party, we assumed Iowa would be playing an 11am game, possibly, but less likely, an evening game. Well it turns out, now that we have scheduled a party for 2-5pm, they play at 2:30 pm. Just in time for 12-15 little girls to be jumping with reckless abandon in the purple princess castle bouncy house we'll have. Dave was already on the fence as to how much princess bouncy house fun was just too much, and when he saw the schedule for the game he said, "I'll just have to leave my car on the street. And if I have to leave, I have to leave." Awesome. Be thinking about him during the game.
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