This photo is from Monday of Teacher Appreciation Week at school. Typically each day is themed, so on Monday the kids each bring in one flower to be assembled into a bouquet, or a piece of fruit for a fruit basket, and each day throughout the week the teachers are honored in a different way. It's a lot of fun to see the teachers getting their treats. We are very thankful for them and their hard work with all their students!
Hermle Visit:
Near the end of the school year we had a local German company at both of our schools for a tour and presentation. Hermle Machines is based in Germany, but they have their North American headquarters nearby, and we were very happy they were excited to come see the things going on in our schools. They make very technical and precise pieces of machinery and tools. The visit was not only a chance for the company to see the cool education our kids are receiving, but also an opportunity for the kids to see the very practical application of how they can use their German language skills in a future career.
Photo 145 of 365, taken May 21st:

Dave and I got to take the tour with the company representatives. In this photo, one of the German guys was very happy to see kids conversing in the classroom in his native language. He also commented how the school seemed very much like the schools he grew up going to in Germany, which would be expected and is certainly a goal of the curriculum, it's just nice to hear a native German say that.

After the school tour, Hermle gave our 5th graders a presentation about the kind of work they do. Had she been there, this cute piggy would have been Emma's favorite part of their presentation.

And her least favorite part of the presentation...when the pig is pictured as canned meat.
Photo 146 of 365, taken May 21st:

This is Alyssa's year end band concert. She sits way in the back, so you can't see her here, but she was super excited about this concert because they played a couple of popular songs like "Gangnam Style" and "Forget You". She had a small horn solo in Dynamite.
Photo 147 of 365, taken May 24th:

The huge parade around the schoolyard. The kids look forward to Kinderfest all Spring!!

I had watched Rebekah march all the way around the playground, trying to get her attention, but she never saw me until the kids were asked to sit down before being dismissed to play games. Here she is when she finally spotted me in the crowd.
Photo 148 of 365, taken May 24th:

All of the Mount Mary Art Projects were "on parade" at Kinderfest, they looked great! This is the art sculpture Emma worked on with a few friends. They named it King Bob.
Photo 149 of 365, taken May 24th:

Rebekah with King Noah. They did not have to create a royal character of any sort, it just happens that both girls were in a group that decided that their sculpture was a king. I should have taken better pics of all the characters. There were some very cool ones including Mickey Mouse and Darth Vader.

Rebekah playing a bean bag game. This was the first Kinderfest I can remember where coats were necessary. It was a beautiful, sunny day, just a little windy and chilly.
Photo 150 of 365, taken May 24th:

This is some of the girls artwork before the hallways were cleared for Summer. Rebekah's is on the top, Die Wiese means "The Meadow." I was in the class helping with this project and her teacher and I walked around the room writing the words in block letters for the kids and they had to draw things they would see in a meadow to fill up the page. Emma's artwork is a watercolor exercise they did inspired by Monet's artwork.
Photo 151 of 365, taken May 25th:

We started the Memorial Day weekend at church with a Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge Fun Day. The kids could choose to jump rope, hula hoop, dribble a basketball etc. They collected pledges for the number of minutes they participated in these activities and the money went to BGMC and Convoy of Hope. Emma was at gymnastics practice, but Alyssa and Rebekah had a great time.
Slowly but surely, I'll make it to summer!
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