Emma has the inclination to climb {even when there are perfectly good stairs right there for her use},

leap over,

or balance on anything and everything in view. She does it at the kitchen table, on the couch and her bunkbed, just to name a few of her unsuspecting jungle gyms. Playgrounds are a little slice of heaven for her.

I realize this is a rather obscure Lilo and Stitch reference, but there is a part in the movie where Captain Gantu describes Stitch {and I am paraphrasing} as being programmed for total destruction, he will wreck havoc and go around stealing everyone's left shoe.

It is like Emma's "programming" was something more along the lines of she will find heights exciting and climb with fervor to the highest places. Upon finding the perfect place to perch, Emma will sit there pensively surveying her surroundings.

I'll admit, it used to make me nervous to watch her climb all over the place like this, and I still have my moments where I want to ask her to just come down already. But now I am training myself to relax, accept her monkey climbing tendencies, take out my camera and try to see what she's seeing.
That is incredible! And kudos to you for being supportive...I would flip out!! (big worrier over here)
Wow, gymnastics is definitely the right sport for her! To quote Despicable me... "She's freaking me out" :)
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