Laterne, Laterne, sonne mund und sterne...It's Laternennacht time! Laternennacht means Night of the Lanterns in German, and it's quite a sight to see. Each fall our school celebrates the German tradition of singing songs and parading around the school's park while all the children carry their glowing lanterns. Many of the more traditional lanterns are shaped like suns, moons, or stars (sonne, mund, und sterne), but now it is quite common to see animal shaped lanterns, and homemade lanterns can be made into pretty much any shape imaginable. A picture doesn't do it justice to see how cool it looks to see a parade of little twinkle lights marching around the park. At the end of the parade, everyone gets cookies and apples, it's a very fun tradition that we look forward to each year.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Laterne, Laterne...
Laterne, Laterne, sonne mund und sterne...It's Laternennacht time! Laternennacht means Night of the Lanterns in German, and it's quite a sight to see. Each fall our school celebrates the German tradition of singing songs and parading around the school's park while all the children carry their glowing lanterns. Many of the more traditional lanterns are shaped like suns, moons, or stars (sonne, mund, und sterne), but now it is quite common to see animal shaped lanterns, and homemade lanterns can be made into pretty much any shape imaginable. A picture doesn't do it justice to see how cool it looks to see a parade of little twinkle lights marching around the park. At the end of the parade, everyone gets cookies and apples, it's a very fun tradition that we look forward to each year.
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