When we returned home from Hawaii I had the best intentions of getting caught up on all the posts that I drafted and then "left behind" on vacation. I got so busy with back to school stuff that I never got even close to catching up, and realistically I could probably blog for another entire month about the month we were there.

Last weekend I back dated a couple of posts about Rebekah, because I wanted them to reflect the actual date of her birthday, but I think now I'm just going to go ahead and fast forward. There is still lots of Hawaii stuff that I'd love to write about and share, so what will likely result will be a mix of some postings that are current and others will be about things we did back in August during vacation. Just to explain :-) ...

Vacationing for a month at a time is really the way to go...I wish we could manage to get away for that long every year, but that's just not possible (Alyssa and Dave had a very funny conversation about this truth). It makes getting back into the swing of a regular schedule challenging, but that's really the only downfall I could think of. I came home feeling refreshed, almost ready for the girls to start school (which I always dread) and I was really motivated to re-organize all of our closets and the girls' bedrooms. It's been a very slow process (frustratingly so), and still a work in progress, but I think I'm finally simplifying everything (one tiny corner of a closet at a time).

A picture for my parents of the girls in front of their favorite breakfast restaurant on Oahu. We didn't eat there, but it was neat to see their new location.

Skipping ahead to September 1st...the girls' first day of school in 6th grade, 3rd grade and K5. And so far the school year is going well for each of them!

And this is September 7th, their first day in a new MPact class for Wednesday night church. I am so excited because Rebekah is in my class this year. I started teaching the kindergartners when she was just a few weeks old and it seemed crazy far into the future when she would be one of my students...doesn't seem possible that time is already here. The first Wednesday of class, completely unsolicited on my part, she came up and sat in my lap while I was reading the story, and the second Wednesday, also without my prompting she began a very dramatic re-enactment of the story while I was reading it. So the good news is that we're both very excited to be spending Wednesday nights together, the bad news is that the teacher's kid is totally the naughty kid in class :-)